C# PDF Barcode Generator Library
How to create, add barcode on existing PDF file using C# .NET. Free open source examples
C# Sample Codes for Creating 1D & 2D Barcodes on PDF Page in C#.NET Imaging Program
In this tutorial, you learn how to create linear and 2d barcode images in PDF file using C#
- Create Data Matrix, PDF-417 and QR Code 2d barcodes
- Generate Code 39, Code 128, EAN/UPC, GS1 128 linear barcodes in PDF
How to create barcode images in PDF file using C#
C# PDF Barcode Creation Overview
RasterEdge C#.NET PDF Barcode Creation SDK offers mature APIs for developers to generate, write and create 1d and 2d barcodes on PDF document page using C#.NET code.
Besides, using this C#.NET barcode creator control package, you can easily adjust and customize most attribute properties of generated barcodes on PDF document file,
like color, size and positional parameters.
Details about C# PDF Document Barcode Creation features:
- 100% C#.NET PDF barcode creating solution compacted in small-sized dlls
- Mature C# PDF barcode generation controls available for both ASP.NET Web and WinForms programs
- Compatible with Microsoft .NET Framework from version 2.0 to 4.5
- Generate over 20 linear and 2d barcodes on PDF document page using C#.NET
- Create 1d & 2d barcodes on accurate location of PDF document page using C# code for .NET
- Able to use C#.NET class code to customize created PDF barcode image properties
Supported Barcode Types
Linear Barcodes |
2D Barcodes |
- Codabar
- Code 11
- Code 2 of 5
- Code 39
- Code 128
- EAN-8
- EAN-13
- GS1-128
- Identcode
- Intelligent Mail (OneCode)
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- ITF-14
- Leitcode
- MSI Plessey
- Data Matrix
- Micro PDF-417
- Micro QR Code
- PDF-417
- QR Code
How to generate linear barcodes on PDF Page in C#.NET
This is a simple C# example for PDF barcode creation.
// generate a Code 39 barcode
Linear linearBarcode = new Linear();
linearBarcode.Type = BarcodeType.CODE39;
linearBarcode.Data = "123456789";
linearBarcode.Resolution = 96;
linearBarcode.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0;
// load PDF document, you can also load document like TIFF, Word, Excel & PPT
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(@"c:\sample.pdf");
// get the first page
PDFPage page = (PDFPage)doc.GetPage(0);
// generate reimage of this barcode
Bitmap barcodeImage = linearBarcode.ToImage();
// add barcode image to the first page and the top left vertex of barcode image rectangle is at point(100,100)
page.AddImage(barcodeImage, new System.Drawing.PointF(100f, 100f));
// save changes to the PDF
doc.Save(@"c:\output.pdf ");
How to create QR Code 2D barcodes using C#.NET
Below are the steps and C# sample code to add QR Code barcode to a PDF page, and add a web link over the QR Code area on page.
- Create a QRCode object
- Set the QR Code properties
- Set the QR Code data value to a web link "https://www.rasteredge.com"
- Set QR Code image width and height to 1 inch both.
- Create a PDFDocument object from an existing PDF file
- Add the qr code to the first page of the PDF document.
- Add a link action PDFLinkAction object to jump to a web page
- Save the PDF file
// Create an QRCode
RasterEdge.XImage.BarcodeCreator.QRCode qrcode = new RasterEdge.XImage.BarcodeCreator.QRCode();
// Set QRCode Version
qrcode.Version = RasterEdge.XImage.BarcodeCreator.QRCodeVersion.V1;
// Set data encoding mode
qrcode.DataMode = RasterEdge.XImage.BarcodeCreator.QRCodeDataMode.Auto;
// Set error correction level
qrcode.ECL = RasterEdge.XImage.BarcodeCreator.QRCodeECL.M;
// Set data message to encode
qrcode.Data = "https://www.rasteredge.com";
// Set barcode size to 1 inch x 1 inch
qrcode.UOM = RasterEdge.XImage.BarcodeCreator.UnitOfMeasure.INCH;
qrcode.BarcodeWidth = 1F;
qrcode.BarcodeHeight = 1F;
// Set image resolution to 96 dpi.
qrcode.Resolution = 96;
qrcode.AutoResize = true;
// Set all margins to 0
qrcode.LeftMargin = 0;
qrcode.RightMargin = 0;
qrcode.TopMargin = 0;
qrcode.BottomMargin = 0;
String inputFilePath = "C:\\1.pdf";
String outputFilePath = "C:\\output.pdf";
PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(inputFilePath);
// Draw the barcode at position (100, 200) in pixels on the 1st page.
BasePage page = doc.GetPage(0);
qrcode.DrawBarcode(page, 100, 200);
// Create and add a link to the same area of the QRCode
PDFLinkAction action = PDFLinkActionURI.Create("https://www.rasteredge.com");
// Position (100, 200) in pixels; Width 96 pixels, Height 96 pixels
RectangleF area = new RectangleF(100, 200, 96, 96);
PDFLinkSetting link = new PDFLinkSetting(area, action);
// Add the link to the 1st page.
PDFLinkHandler.AddLink(doc, 0, link);