Using C# PDF Generator Library
How to create, generate a table in PDF file with xml template applied in C# asp.net, windows application
C# Demo Code to add a table with table template applied to adobe pdf file
In the following C# tutorial, you will learn how to create a PDF with table programmatically with XML template applied in your C# ASP.NET Web application and Windows application.
- Design data class
- Prepare the template XML configure file
- Load the sample data
- Generate PDF report file from database with template applied
How to create a PDF with template applied using C#
In the following C# tutorial, you will learn how to generate a PDF with table programmatically with XML template applied in C#. After the guide steps finished,
you will generate a PDF report below.
1. Design data class for customer data
In the following C# source code, you will learn how to design the table data.
public class Sample1TableDef
// Must list all properties of the Header tag in the XML file. (Name must be identity.)
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_ProductNo = "Product No";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_ProductCode = "Product Code";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_ProductName = "Product Name";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_MondayCount = "Monday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_TuesdayCount = "Tuesday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_WednesdayCount = "Wednesday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_ThursdayCount = "Thursday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_FridayCount = "Friday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_SaturdayCount = "Saturday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_SundayCount = "Sunday Count";
public const String WeeklySalesRecord_TotalCount = "Total Count";
// Must list all styles in the Style tag. (Name must be identity.)
public const String StyleID_Body_Default = "BodyDefault";
public const String StyleID_Head_Default = "HeaderDefault";
public static String GetHeaderType(PropEntry entry)
return Sample1TableDef.StyleID_Head_Default;
public class WeeklySalesRecord : ValueEntry
private String _num;
private String _code;
private String _product;
private String _mon;
private String _tue;
private String _wed;
private String _thu;
private String _fri;
private String _sat;
private String _sun;
private String _total;
public WeeklySalesRecord(String num, String code, String product,
String mon, String tue, String wed, String thu, String fri, String sat, String sun,
String total)
: base()
this._num = num;
this._code = code;
this._product = product;
this._mon = mon;
this._tue = thu;
this._wed = wed;
this._thu = thu;
this._fri = fri;
this._sat = sat;
this._sun = sun;
this._total = total;
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_ProductNo, this._num, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_ProductCode, this._code, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_ProductName, this._product, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_MondayCount, this._mon, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_TuesdayCount, this._tue, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_WednesdayCount, this._wed, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_ThursdayCount, this._thu, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_FridayCount, this._fri, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_SaturdayCount, this._sat, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_SundayCount, this._sun, 1);
AddPropertyEntry(Sample1TableDef.WeeklySalesRecord_TotalCount, this._total, 1);
public override string GetStyleID(PropEntry entry, TableState state)
return Sample1TableDef.StyleID_Body_Default;
2. Prepare table template configure file (.xml)
Here you will customize the report data table
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Settings TableWidth="500" RelativeWidth="0.04 0.08 0.15 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.10" />
<Property Name="Product No" Content="No" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Product Code" Content="Code" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Product Name" Content="Product" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Monday Count" Content="Mon" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Tuesday Count" Content="Tue" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Wednesday Count" Content="Wed" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Thursday Count" Content="Thu" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Friday Count" Content="Fri" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Saturday Count" Content="Sat" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Sunday Count" Content="Sun" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Property Name="Total Count" Content="Total" ColspanNum="1" RowspanNum="1" />
<Style ID="BodyDefault">
<!--FontStyle valid value: [Regular|Bold|Italic|BoldItalic]-->
<Style ID="HeaderDefault">
<!--FontStyle valid value: [Regular|Bold|Italic|BoldItalic]-->
3. Prepare sample data
Here we have prepared the sample dataset. You can also load the real data from database in your C# ASP.NET, Windows application.
public class Sample1Database
public static String[] datas = new String[] {
public static List<ValueEntry> CreateTableEntries()
List<ValueEntry> values = new List<ValueEntry>();
foreach (String data in datas)
String[] tmps = data.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (tmps.Length < 11) continue;
values.Add(new WeeklySalesRecord(tmps[0], tmps[1], tmps[2],
tmps[3], tmps[4], tmps[5], tmps[6], tmps[7], tmps[8], tmps[9],
return values;
4. Create document with the table
The C# source code below, you will learn how to create a new PDF report file from dataset, with report template applied.
String outputFilePath = Program.OutputFolder + "\\" + OutputFileName;
Document doc = new Document();
PDFBuildHandler.Create(doc, outputFilePath);
Paragraph p = new Paragraph("Weekly Sales Report");
p.Alignment = Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
p.TextFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TimesRoman, 36F, Font.FontStyle.Bold, Color.Black);
p.SpacingAfter = 36;
Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Sales Name/Store: ");
p1.TextFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.Helvetica, 16F, Font.FontStyle.Regular, Color.Black);
Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Week Period: ");
p2.TextFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.Helvetica, 16F, Font.FontStyle.Regular, Color.Black);
p2.SpacingAfter = 12;
private static void addTable(Document doc)
String xmlFilePath = Program.OutputFolder + "\\" + TableTemplateXMLFileName;
TabelTemplate tableTemplate = TabelTemplate.LoadTemplate(xmlFilePath);
List<ValueEntry> values = Sample1Database.CreateTableEntries();
foreach (ValueEntry value in values)
Let's see the result of adding a table with template: