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How to customize web viewer annotation, comments, drawing default settings. Free Download.
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Various Annotations in EdgePDF
Text Markup Annotations
- Sticky note
- Highlight text
- Underline text
- Strikethrough text
- Add note to replace text
- Textbox comment
- Text comment
- Stamp
Drawing Comments
- Free form
- Line
- Arrow
- Measuring tool
- Oval
- Rectangle
- Polygon
- Polylines
How to change annotation object default styles in asp.net pdf viewer
Annotation's default setting can be changed through different annotation style objects in the function setCommentsStyle. Below lists the current settings for all annotation styles.
Javascript File: RasterEdge_WebApp.js
Function: setCommentsStyle()
Description: to define annotations' default appearance.
Annotation Style: notesAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Stick note annotation.
- FillColor: Default: "#FFFF00"; Boundary Color: Yellow
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
Annotation Style: highTextAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Highlight annotation.
- FillColor: Default: "#FFFF00"; Highlight Color: Yellow
- Transparency: Default: 0.5; Half transparent
Annotation Style: underlineTextAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Text Underline annotation.
- OutLineColor: Default: "#00FF00"; Underline color: Green
- OutLineWidth: Default: 1.0; Underline Width: 1 pixel
[Cannot be changed]
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
Annotation Style: strikeTextAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Text Stikethrough annotation.
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Strike line color: Red
- OutLineWidth: Default: 1.0; Strike line width: 1 pixel
[Cannot be changed]
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
Annotation Style: replaceTextAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Replace Text annotation.
- OutLineColor: Default: "#0000FF"; Strike line color: Blue
- OutLineWidth: Default: 1.0; Strike line width: 1 pixel
[Cannot be changed]
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
Annotation Style: textboxAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Textbox annotation.
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Color of the textbox outline: Red
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Line width of the textbox outline: 2.0 pixels
- FillColor: Default: "#FFFFFF"; Fill color of the textbox: White
[Cannot be changed]
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- TxtFontSize: Default: "12"; Text Font: 12 pt
- TxtFontColor: Default: "red"; Text Color: Red
Annotation Style: textAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Text annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- TxtFontSize: Default: "12"; Text Font: 12 pt
- TxtFontColor: Default: "#000000"; Text color: Black
- TxtFont: Default: "Arial"; Text font style: Arial
Annotation Style: StampStyle
To set the default appearance of the Stamp annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- FillColor: Default: "none"; No fill color.
[Cannot be changed]
- OutLineWidth: Default: 5.0; Stamp outline width: 5 pixels
- OutLineColor: Default: "-"; Stamp outline color: depend on stamp type
Annotation Style: freehandAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Free Pen annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Line width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
Valid Values: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Line color: Red
Annotation Style: lineAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Line annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Line width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
Valid Values: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Line color: Red
Annotation Style: arrowAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Arrow annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Line width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
Valid Values: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Line color: Red
Annotation Style: dimensionAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Dimension annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Line width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
Valid Values: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Line color: Red
- LeaderLength: Default: 25; Leader length: 25 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- LeaderExtend: Default: 25; Leader extend: 25 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- LeaderOffset: Default: 0; Leader offset: 0 pixel (in 96 dpi)
- TxtFontColor: Default: "#000000"; Text color: Black
- TxtFontSize: Default: 11; Text font size: 11 pt
[Cannot be changed]
Annotation Style: circleAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Oval annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 5.0; Outline width: 5 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- OutLineColor: Default: "#1F497D"; Outline color: RGB(31, 73, 125)
- FillColor: Default: "none"; No fill
Annotation Style: rectangleAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the the Rectangle annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 5.0; Outline width: 5 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- OutLineColor: Default: "#4F81BD"; Outline color: RGB(79, 129, 189)
- FillColor: Default: "none"; No fill
Annotation Style: polygonAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Polygon annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Outline width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Outline color: Red
- FillColor: Default: "none"; No fill
Annotation Style: polygonLinesAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Polyline annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Outline width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Outline color: Red
Annotation Style: AttachFileStyle
To set the default appearance of the File Attachment annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 5.0; Outline width: 5 pixels (in 96 dpi)
[Cannot be changed]
- OutLineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Outline color: Red
- FillColor: Default: "none"; No background
[Cannot be changed]
Annotation Style: LinkStyle
To set the default appearance of the Link annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 1.0; Fully opaque
- OutLineWidth: Default: 2.0; Border width: 2 pixels (in 96 dpi)
- OutLineColor: Default: "#000000"; Border color: Black
- FillColor: Default: "none"; No Fill
Annotation Style: redactAnnoStyle
To set the default appearance of the Redact annotation.
- Transparency: Default: 0.3; 30% opaque
- FillColor: Default: "#000000"; Fill color while be focused: Black
- MarkOutlineColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Outline color: Red
- MarkFillColor: Default: "#FF0000"; Fill color: Red
Note: [Cannot be changed] means the annotation attribute can not be changed by this annotation's property dialog.