C#: how to open, view, edit PDF file links using ASP.NET mvc PDF viewer web control api
How to view, add, edit, remove PDF links using EdgePDF
Using EdgePDF, you can add, edit links inside a PDF document. With link, you can jump to other locations in the same PDF document, or to some website pages.
Create a PDF link using the Link tool
Choose Toolbar > Content Edit > Link Edit > Add Link button
The mouse pointer becomes a cross hair. Drag a rectangle where you need to add a link. This is the area where the new link is active.
In the Create Link dialog box, choose the settings for the link apperance.
Choose one of the two link actions:
a. Go to a page view. Use page content pane vertical scroll bar, to navigate to the target page, click button "Set Link"
b. Open a web page. Input the URL of the linked web page.
Edit a PDF link
You can edit an existing link using EdgePDF. You can change link action, delete it or resize the link active area.
Move or resize a link rectangle
1. Enter into "Edit Link Mode" (Toolbar > Content Edit > Link Edit > Edit Link Mode button)
2. Move the mouse pointer over the link active area.
3. Do one of the following:
a. To move the link area, draw the link area rectangle
b. To resize the link area, draw any corner point (total 8 corner points)
Change the appearance of a link
1. Enter into "Edit Link Mode" (Toolbar > Content Edit > Link Edit > Edit Link Mode button)
2. Mouse move over the link area, right click, choose the popup menu "Properties"
3. Update the appearance options.
Edit a PDF link action
1. Enter into "Edit Link Mode" (Toolbar > Content Edit > Link Edit > Edit Link Mode button)
2. Mouse move over the link area, right click, choose the popup menu "Properties"
3. Choose tab "Actions"
Delete a PDF link
1. Enter into "Edit Link Mode" (Toolbar > Content Edit > Link Edit > Edit Link Mode button)
2. Mouse move over the link area, right click, choose the popup menu "Delete"