Using ASP.NET PDF Web Viewer Control
How to manage user PDF document open request information in EdgePDF using C#
How to store, retrive user file opening information in EdgePDF during document viewing, saving
Store user request parameter values
When a web user opens a PDF document through web url in EdgePDF, all of the url parameters' names and values will be stored in file upinfo.xml in folder ufor.
For example, the open URL is http://localhost:2345/?yourtarget=demo_1.pdf;abc=1;def=hello;xyz=true
In file upinfo.xml, it will store the following data content
<p key="yourtarget">demo_1.pdf</p>
<p key="abc">1</p>
<p key="def">hello</p>
<p key="xyz">true</p>
<p key="timestamp">1664333277230</p>
<p key="add">newfile</p>
Note: the last two parameters are added by the EdgePDF.
Retrive the request parameters' values during document saving
You can retrive all of these parameters' values when a web user wants to save, export the modified PDF document in method SaveFile_OnServer in file UserCommandProcessHandler.ashx
Here are the sample source code:
// Get the upload information of the file
RasterEdge.WDP.DocUploadInfo docinfo = RasterEdge.WDP.Manager.FileManager.getUploadinfoByFid(fid);
// Get your file open url parameters value, if needed.
String paraFilepathValue = docinfo.GetRequestParameters("yourtarget");