RasterEdge.com runs refund policy to guarantee 100% satisfaction from our customers. And your refund request will be processed within one week from the day of receiving your request email. We promise to guarantee the rights of all our customers, but in return, there should be some limitations to perform it.
45-Days Return Guarantee
- Don't worry if you got the wrong product(s), license(s) or price information! In such situations, we will promise to deal with your refund request within 7 days as long as your request is within 45-days from the date of purchase (when we send you the production package).
- Of course, we will try to solve the wrong licensing with correct order. That is to say, after we check that you made a wrong order, you will be guided to the correct way and some money will be returned if there's still extra fee that needs to be returned. Please note that, money will be returned to your account that made the order within 7 days once we confirm your refund request.
- To help us deal with your return issue well, please do as follows.
- * Send a refund request to us via email (support@rasteredge.com) and clearly provide your current order details, such as product name(s), license type(s), amount, order date and the person (email) who made the order.
- * Then we will check your request and give you feedback after confirmation. If your request is confirmed, the first step for you is to sign and send back RasterEdge Software Refund Agreement that we will email to you. Then, your refund will be handled within a week.